


We’re happy you chose 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA) and we want to help you reach your educational goals with 远程教育 and online programs.

During your educational career at COA, you’ll need to 定期访问MyCourses 课程内容(教学大纲), 课程表, 随堂作业, 测验/考试), which your instructor has placed in MyCourses. 因此, after you have registered for courses and have access to MyCourses, we strongly encourage you to complete the online class “COA 101 – Introduction to MyCourses (Moodle) for Students” to become familiar with this environment right from the start.

Access a list of our fully online associate degree and certificate programs.

After you have registered for a class you will be able to 登录MyCourses (Moodle). Use the same username and password you created when you activated your COA accounts. If you have reset your password since activating your COA account, use the new password. Once logged into MyCourses, you’ll see at a minimum and have access to the following:

  • COA 101 – Introduction to MyCourses (Moodle) for Students
  • ASC – 学术支持中心

Note: Due to audit requirements, all other classes won’t be visible until the first day of classes, 中午12:15开始.m., at which time you’ll be able to view your current semester classes.

访问 our Google™ feedback form to let us know how our program is doing.

在我看, our advisors are here to help you reach your academic goals, whether you’re taking classes online or at one of our four campuses. To find your assigned advisor, 登录MyService 查看你的个人资料. 或者你可以发邮件 (电子邮件保护) directly with your questions.

If you have technology-related questions 浏览我们的科技常见问题. If you have technical difficulties activating your accounts or signing into Gmail, 请重设密码.

To submit questions to 远程教育, contact us through our Help Desk 或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


COA has a wide variety of online courses that can be taken during the pursuit of many of our degree, certificate and diploma programs. There’re at least twenty programs that offer 50 percent or more of the required courses online in the areas of Art and Sciences, Business and Computer Technologies, and 健康科学 and Wellness.


To learn more about COA’s fully online programs, select the program name link. The contact person is listed at the bottom of each program’s web page.

*Contingent on semester online course offerings and the courses students choose that can be used to fulfill category requirements. May include Web Conferencing courses and MAT, AST, and SPA courses may require a limited number of visits to campus to complete exams.


我们可以在我们的 虚拟办公室. 我们的办公时间是早上八点半.m. 到下午4点.m.星期一至星期五. 欢迎“不请自来”.

  • 锈蚀、Shellee

  • 远程教育总监

  • COA -伊丽莎白市:b217

  • 252-335-0821 ext. 2380